Here’s an easy way to solve the problem Democrats are having with deciding who their nominee for President will be: leave the decision to the elected delegates. So called “super delegates” should not vote. If the super delegates do not vote on the first ballot, neither Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton nor Senator Barack Obama can secure the nomination. That will force at least a second ballot. Under Democratic Party Rules, delegates are released from their obligation to vote for a candidate to whom they are pledged after the first ballot. Now the fun will begin. As long as super delegates stay out of the fray, the decision will rest with delegates who have been elected by the voters of the Democratic Party. The party leadership will not have to deal with charges that they have brokered a nominee in the proverbial “smoke filled room.” Two ballots, three ballots, more…whatever it takes. Whoever the nominee is, charges that they were coronated by the party’s leadership will dog that nominee through November. A floor fight for the nomination that is transparent can only serve to help the nominee. And the hope of a “dream ticket,” Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton can come to fruition without the baggage. So super delegates “stand down” and let the people decide. Let’s get ready to rumble.